Follow up courses

We also provide follow-up advanced courses for all our former students and collegue constellators from other schools and other interested parties. We assume that you have experience with systemic work and in guiding constellations. In this advanced course we focus on both family constellations by investigating the new constellations with the movement of the soul and spirit, as well look at new, creative and successful applications in business.

The new way of doing family constellations

Here we will show our latest methods of working with the movement of the soul and the movement of the spirit. This means we often work in silence and almost do not do any ‘mechanical’ interventions. We allow the process to fully unfold itself in silence. Really very beautiful and valuable to see for fellow constellators, who have been in the profession for a while. Moreover, we also make space for doing Spiritual Constellations. Here we explore the connections between ancestors, spiritual masters, past lives etc.

Successful new ways of doing organizational constellations

We work with teams and sales constellations. We do the team constellations without a minibus with representatives. We work quickly to the essence of a team. Also, we continue to explore how to get rational people in business to participate properly in organizational constellations. Furthermore, we spend time with ‘Sales Constellations’. A very successful way to provide organizations more insight into their customers.  Also a very good way for us constellators to deploy our work. It also proved to be very successful with some of our major clients, we supported in cooperation with Boer & Croon.

This course takes place from june 6 untill July 10 this year and the investment is € 795 for residential courses, including care and a shared room. For a private room an additional € 200 is charged. The course takes place in ‘de Bietenhaven’,  Noordschermerdijk 7
1, 842 EL Oterleek (bij Alkmaar) and starts on wednesday, July 6 at 12:00 hours in the morning and ends on friday july 10th at 13:00 hours. Places are limited.

For reservations or questions please call +31 (0)6 81797747 or use the Contact Form.

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