Family Constellation Weekends

The weekends are especially intended to ‘dive deep’. In this way it really is an inner journey. From your own personal power we are looking for more connection and are on our way to realize the dreams that come from your heart. It is a journey of the soul that we make. We clean ourselves to make room to let the life force in, so that we are open to have good relationships, abundance and to embrace work that fits you. A deep rest and relaxation will arise when we work with the family constellation field.

We start on friday with a circle, in which we express our intention for the weekend. Then, the next morning, we’ll start traveling with your questions. Inbetween family constellations we do exercises with body work and meditation. In the afternoon we take a long break, just to relax, to reflect on what has been learned and to integrate it, or just to go walking.


Reception: Friday 19:30 hours. Start 
Friday 20:00 hrs. Departure: 16:00 hrs Sunday.



We organize these weekends in a beautiful and luxurous group accommodation:

‘De Bietenhaven’, Noordschermerdijk 7
1, 842 EL Oterleek (bij Alkmaar). Phone
: 072 57 25 083
. For more info please check:

‘De Uelenspieghel’, 
Winkelsteeg 5, 
7975 PV, Uffelte (Drenthe). Phone
: 0521-351331
. For more info please check:

Your contribution

For the whole weekend you pay € 245, including lodging and food. 
A private room is available for an extra charge of € 50. 
For reservations or questions please call +31 (0)6 81797747 or use the Contact Form.


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